ALL-NEW Evolution®
SST-DriverSST-Driver TM

High-Performance Silicone Liner

pre-loaded, Single-useSingle-use shell

You’ll appreciate the simple brilliance of this high-performance silicone liner, already loaded into a lightweight recyclable shell. Saves time, saves labor, saves money every day.

Ideal for large herds, with silicone construction for long life – up to 6,000 milkings!

SST driver image

the most brilliant move you can make:
SST-DriverSST-Driver TM

Long-lasting Silicone:
Tested to 6,000 milkings

Labor-saving pre-loaded shell

Transitional, round-to-square barrel

Less slip, faster milk-out, improved teat health

Square hackle for secure fit, prevents twists

Vented and non-vented options

Proven on farm in independent trials

SST Driver graphic


Transitional barrel


Long-lasting silicone, pre-loaded shell

Transitional barrel


The fastest, most thorough milk-out
Oval Dairy Inflation Milking Liner


The liner that started a revolution
Round Dairy Inflation Milking Liner


Round liner, low-slip, fewer squawks.
Square Dairy Inflation Milking Liner


Better milk-out, minimal slippage
Square Dairy Inflation Milking Liner


Gentle milk-out and cow comfort
Triangle Dairy Inflation Milking Liner

X3 - LS

Consistent performance up to 8,000 milkings