RST-DriverRST-Driver TM

The Fastest, Most Thorough Milk-Out

YOu Just Found Another GearGear

Engineered for high speed, low slip and easy use. Features a transitional barrel shape to minimize mouthpiece vacuum, with non-round advantages for teat-end health.

Designed with its own custom lightweight nylon shell to reduce cluster weight. Now available in vented and non-vented options.

Test drive it today.
RST-DriverRST-Driver TM

Transitional barrel; non-round advantages

Engineered for high speed & low slip

Extensively tested in independent trials

Durable, lightweight nylon shell reduces cluster weight

Choose vented or non-vented

Extensively tested in independent trials… with winning results!
Trial Data vs. Market Leading Square Liner
Category RST140N Mean Competitor's Liner Mean Advantage RST14ON
27.72 Lbs.
27.12 Lbs.
7.34 Lbs./Min
7.15 Lbs./Min.
3.91 Min
3.94 Min.
0-15 Sec
2.89 Lbs./Min
3.06 Lbs./Min
15-30 Sec
7.85 Lbs./Min
7.58 Lbs./Min
30-60 Sec
8.17 Lbs./Min
7.80 Lbs./Min.
Peak Flow
8.84 Lbs./Min.
8.52 Lbs./Min.
2 Min Milk
15.61 Lbs.
15.08 Lbs.
Low Flow
27.03 Sec.
27.76 Sec.

Trial Data vs. Market Leading Triangular Liner

Category RST140N Mean Competitor's Liner Mean Advantage RST14ON
31.0 Lbs.
30.4 Lbs.
7.94 Lbs./Min
7.75 Lbs./Min.
3.93 Min
3.95 Min.
0-15 Sec
3.16 Lbs./Min
3.05 Lbs./Min
15-30 Sec
7.23 Lbs./Min
7.14 Lbs./Min
30-60 Sec
7.59 Lbs./Min
7.47 Lbs./Min.
Peak Flow
9.80 Lbs./Min.
9.53 Lbs./Min.
2 Min Milk
16.2 Lbs.
15.08 Lbs.
Low Flow
26.4 Sec.
26.7 Sec.


Transitional barrel


Long-lasting silicone, pre-loaded shell

Transitional barrel


The fastest, most thorough milk-out
Oval Dairy Inflation Milking Liner


The liner that started a revolution
Round Dairy Inflation Milking Liner


Round liner, low-slip, fewer squawks.
Square Dairy Inflation Milking Liner


Better milk-out, minimal slippage
Square Dairy Inflation Milking Liner


Gentle milk-out and cow comfort
Triangle Dairy Inflation Milking Liner

X3 - LS

Consistent performance up to 8,000 milkings